冗長性と効率 (Redundancy and Efficiency)












English Translation


There was an article in "Road News" that said that Japanese railways are vulnerable to disasters because they have low redundancy.


If you look at the railway wiring in Europe, the US, China, Russia, and other countries, the railway lines branch out in a delta shape. If the lines are made into a ladder or net shape and connected with a delta, even if part of the line is out of service, you can detour without changing direction, ensuring redundancy and not stopping logistics.


With the exception of a few, unused short-circuit lines in Japan will be removed and replaced with Y-shaped branches. This will save money, but redundancy will be lost.


The difference is whether you consider redundancy, which is a precaution that is not usually used, to be a waste, or an investment in resilience and flexibility.


By the way, the production method that considers inventory to be a waste originated in Japan and spread throughout the world, but this also reveals its weakness in the event of unexpected events such as disasters. This is probably a negative aspect that arises from reducing redundancy in inventory and pursuing efficiency.


So, what should be in the minds (knowledge, thinking) of us engineers? Needless to say, we should value redundancy. Redundancy in thinking allows us to think flexibly and to deal with unexpected events.



  政界では裏金問題が言われているが、好ましくないお金の使い方とし一般の企業にもある。(現在はともかく、過去にそれを経験した。)   バブル期の頃、私はよく上司から小言を言われた。「お前は、接待費を使っていない。部下を連れて飲みに行け。そして領収書をもらってきて 接待費 ...