冗長性と効率 (Redundancy and Efficiency)












English Translation


There was an article in "Road News" that said that Japanese railways are vulnerable to disasters because they have low redundancy.


If you look at the railway wiring in Europe, the US, China, Russia, and other countries, the railway lines branch out in a delta shape. If the lines are made into a ladder or net shape and connected with a delta, even if part of the line is out of service, you can detour without changing direction, ensuring redundancy and not stopping logistics.


With the exception of a few, unused short-circuit lines in Japan will be removed and replaced with Y-shaped branches. This will save money, but redundancy will be lost.


The difference is whether you consider redundancy, which is a precaution that is not usually used, to be a waste, or an investment in resilience and flexibility.


By the way, the production method that considers inventory to be a waste originated in Japan and spread throughout the world, but this also reveals its weakness in the event of unexpected events such as disasters. This is probably a negative aspect that arises from reducing redundancy in inventory and pursuing efficiency.


So, what should be in the minds (knowledge, thinking) of us engineers? Needless to say, we should value redundancy. Redundancy in thinking allows us to think flexibly and to deal with unexpected events.

生産性と生産効率 (Productivity and production efficiency)















English Translation


Japan is said to have low productivity, and productivity improvement has become a proposition.


So what is "productivity"?


Productivity is the ratio of input to output, the ratio of output to resources (cost), and how much added value has been created. In a word, it is how much profit has been made.


A similar word is "production efficiency."


Production efficiency is how much can be produced with fewer people and time. And the main consideration for improving efficiency is how to reduce strain, waste, and unevenness. Increasing production efficiency is one way to increase productivity, but it is not everything. It does not include the concept of added value.


At the company where I used to work, we continued to work on improving productivity to increase profits, but it did not work. We increased the operating rate of people and equipment, devised manufacturing methods, and worked on reducing costs. The number of production units per hour increased and the production lead time was shortened, but profits did not increase as expected. Production efficiency improved, but productivity did not increase, and this did not translate into profits.

Looking back, it seems that we were either selling their products too cheaply or we were not making products that could be sold at a higher price (= high added value), or both.


Improving productivity is about how to create as much added value (profit) with as little cost and effort as possible. It is often more productive to produce small quantities of luxury brand items and sell them at high prices, rather than producing large quantities of cheap goods and selling them at low profits.

伊勢志摩里海トライアスロン大会 (Ise-Shima Satoumi Triathlon)





















English Translation


On Sunday, July 7th, I participated in a triathlon held at Oyahama in Hamajima-cho, Shima City. It's a local event for me, and I participate almost every year.


It's customary to hold it on the first Sunday of July. It's still early rainy season, so it's either rain or scorching hot. This time, it was extremely hot.


It wasn't that hot when I arrived at 6am and parked my car, but it got hotter and hotter within an hour, and I was drenched in sweat. The start was at 10am, and I must have drunk a few bottles of water before then.


The temperature was 37, the sea water temperature was 28, and the organizers announced that the run distance would be shortened by 3km to avoid danger due to the intense heat.


The 2km swim and 45km bike races remained unchanged, but the 10km run was changed to 7km.


After the swim, I had prepared water in a plastic bottle at the transition area to wash off the sand on my feet, but it was completely hot and it was hot when I poured it on my feet.


On the bike, it was cool and refreshing in the tunnel, which I usually hate. However, the water in the bottle set on the bike was hot.


On the run, the water prepared at the aid station was cold, so it felt great to drink and pour on my body. Personally, it felt easier because it was 3km shorter.


After all that, I finished the race safely.


During the race, I saw ambulances driving by two or three times. I heard later that many people had dropped out due to heat stroke. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured and could not speak.


It seems to be getting hotter every year. Maybe the temperature is rising due to climate change.


I would like to participate again next year. It feels really good when I call out.

アイデアノートを携帯しよう (Carry your idea notebook with you)





何のアイデアか? 何でもいいのだ、ジャンルは問わない。とにかく、忘れてしまわないうちに、思いついたこと、閃いたことを書き留めておく。図でも、記号でも、文字でも構わない。とにかく、その場で思いついたことを書き留めておくのだ。













English Translation


When I go out, I carry a notebook without lines. They come in all different sizes to fit in my bag or car, but they all have no lines. They are generally called sketchbooks or croquis books.


I carry these notebooks not to draw or paint fine arts, but to write down ideas that come to me so I don't forget them.


What kind of ideas? It doesn't matter what kind of genre it is. I just write down any ideas that come to me before I forget them. It can be a diagram, a symbol, or even a letter. I just write down whatever comes to my mind then and there.


If I don't record what I have in mind at the time, I often forget it. This happened a lot before I started carrying a notebook.


A few years ago, something that was very useful to me.

A customer made a complicated request about the specifications. It was easy to do once I set up the software, but they wanted it to work without the software running. Since that operation is not related to the essential operation of the device, I can't afford to spend so much money on it. I thought about it for days, but couldn't come up with a good idea.

Then one day, while admiring the scenery on the train on my way home from a day off, I suddenly had an idea. I don't know what triggered it, but I wrote down what came to mind.

When I looked back at it the following week at work, there were a few mistakes, but it was basically a usable idea.

It only took a few minutes to write down my idea, but it was very helpful.


When you come up with an idea, write it down immediately so you don't forget. A smartphone is fine as a recording medium, but considering that the content will not be organized when you come up with an idea, I think something like a blank sketchbook is more suitable. This is because a notebook allows you more freedom to record things.



  政界では裏金問題が言われているが、好ましくないお金の使い方とし一般の企業にもある。(現在はともかく、過去にそれを経験した。)   バブル期の頃、私はよく上司から小言を言われた。「お前は、接待費を使っていない。部下を連れて飲みに行け。そして領収書をもらってきて 接待費 ...